- NerveSpa Pro with 90-day supply kit
- Low-level Cold Laser
- LED Light Therapy with Red Light and Infrared Diodes
- Quake Plate Vibration Therapy
- Nerve Rebuilder Supplements – qty 2
- Nerve & Neuropathy Cream – qty 3
- Neuropathy Support Drink Powder – qty 2
PRODUCT CODE: 90DayNeuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition caused by nerve damage which creates pain, mostly in the hands or feet. Burning, tingling, numbness and the feeling of walking on pins-and-needles is associated with this condition. This painful condition causes difficulties in standing, walking, and holding objects for long periods of time.
Here at NerveSpa, we are committed to the fight against neuropathy with the hope of helping as many people as possible live a pain free life. That’s why we designed this special program with all of our products in one bundle to give you maximum relief from your neuropathic pain. For a discounted price, you can use all of our products in a daily routine formulated to help relieve pain in every area of the body.
While there is no cure for neuropathy, there are essential treatment options which are effective at slowing the progress of the condition, quelling the symptoms, and in many cases reversing some of its effects. These essential treatments are most effective when used in concert and on a daily basis until you achieve an aggregate milestone of 60-90 treatments from each modality.
After reaching the 60-90 day milestone of use for each of the therapies, treatments can then be pared back into a maintenance program. Although, diet, exercise and supplements should be maintained as a part of the daily formula for the long term.