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Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All
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Inflatable Therapeutic Tefillin - Self-inflating Compression System for the Non-Dominant Arm. One Size Fits All

  • Based on new research Tefillin has been shown to induce Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIC): A method that temporarily restricts blood flow to trigger the body's natural protective mechanisms.

  • A study by the University of Cincinnati found that men who wore tefillin daily had fewer circulating cytokines, which are signaling molecules that can cause inflammation.

  • RIPC confers protection from subsequent events, Improves blood flow and potentially prepares one’s system for a future adverse event.



Wearing tefillin is an ancient jewish religious tradition involving tightly wrapping a leather band helically down and around the non-dominant arm.
Research conducted at the University of Cincinnati has shown that tefillin use may:
  • Improve blood flow: Studies have found that blood flow was higher for men who wore tefillin daily and improved in all participants even after wearing it once
  • Reduce inflammation: Men who wore tefillin daily had fewer circulating cytokines, which are molecules that can cause inflammation and negatively impact the heart
  • Induce remote ischemic preconditioning: This process may offer protection during heart attacks by producing a preconditioning-like effect similar to other methods of eliciting remote ischemic preconditioning
  • Lower heart rate and metabolism: Wearing tefillin in both males and females caused changes to the heart rate associated with lowering of the metabolism, as measured via heart rate variability
  • Enhance vascular function: Acute tefillin use improved vascular function, while chronic use was associated with an anti-inflammatory phenotype 
These benefits have been observed in both men and women, with studies showing improved cardiovascular health markers in participants who wore tefillin regularly.
The protective effects are thought to be related to the tight, non-occlusive wrapping of the arm, which may create a form of preconditioning that offers substantial protection against acute ischemic reperfusion injury

The Armory Wrap is designed to be a simple-to-use pneumatic compression strap for the non-dominant arm. Armory provides a multi-point compression system that spans down the arm, featuring a built-in manual air pump and release valve.   The Armory wraps the bicep, crosses the inner elbow and helically wraps down the non-dominant arm and administers a non-occlusive compression to the forearm

Armory is intended to be worn about 20 minutes per day five times per week on the non-dominant arm.


  • Product Weight (lbs) : 1